Sunday, September 13, 2009

July 23, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:45 PM, EDT

I'm sorry I'm just now updating. We had some modem problems for a few days. We left the hospital Monday afternoon close to 4pm CST and arrived home just after midnight ET. It took longer because Geneva needed to stop and get out of her carseat and eat and stretch. Everyone was exhausted but it was so nice to be back in my bed in our home in the mountains. Thank you Lord for a safe trip and for bringing us back here together. Now we just need our oldest, Dawn, home from her job in Europe and take some pictures of the entire family together.

Virginia saw the ortho docotor on Tuesday and she's feeling better. No surgery needed. We'll go back in two weeks for a recheck.

Wednesday was a long drive but we were so happy to see Dr. Bremer again. Geneva was able to drop one med and will have her last dose of another tomorrow!! That leaves just the seizure meds. We are so thankful for Dr. Bremer! She is a perfect fit for our family.

Today we saw our family doctor and weighed Geneva. Now we have base weight to use. We are going to try and breastfeed only this weekend and see how that goes. I'm keeping an eye on her output to see if she'll have enough wet diapers and go from there.

Thank you all for the prayers for us during this difficult time. Our prayer requests now are that she'll gain weight and grow with exclusively nursing, no infections or colds, no more seizures and no more surgeries.

Many blessings to all!!

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