Monday, July 13, 2009 1:17 PM, EDT
Many praise reports today! Neurology came in and we found out that sedation is not needed for the EEG. They want to do an MRI after her other chest tube is out. She is sleeping through the EEG right now. She has made a couple of moaning noises and I don't know if she was having a seizure or not but something changed on the screen and her oxygen levels dropped. I should have some kind of consult this afternoon with the neurology department.
Platelet levels are beginning to stabilize. They are convinced that she shouldn't have a lifelong problem since I had such low platelets during pregnancy and she had surgery, hopefully all will stabilize within the next two weeks and she won't need any more platelets but might need a couple more.
Pleural tube is getting better. Still has output but not as much, chest x-rays are clearer today than they were yesterday. She is going to switch back to enriched breast milk again and see if she can maintain those levels. If all looks good, pleural tube could come out in 2 days! Thank you Lord! I would rather it come out when safe then have to go back in again but that is a huge milestone and one I very much look forward to seeing.
Harry was so thankful for the meals from our homeschool friends. Thank you. The boys might have eaten waffles and cereal all week had they not had something else there. : )
And to add to all the blessings, some of our sweet neighbors did more yard work for us then I think the yard has ever seen before. My mother-in-law said there were three mowers and a weedeater going all at once. I hear it looks beautiful so I told Harry to take a picture. Thank you all so much!
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