Sunday, September 13, 2009

August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:58 AM, EDT

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart! How I've tried to remain focused on the Great Physician during this time. During times of trouble we lean on Him but I want to do that all the time and pray my children will watch the example of their parents and remember this time as a time of faith.

When we left the hospital, I thought we would only be looking at outpatient procedures unless there was a problem. And, I thought once the pleural effusion cleared up, it stayed away. Well, I was wrong. But, the Lord in his infinite wisdom knows our limitations and I think it's a good thing I thought that. : )

Two weeks ago Geneva had a follow-up echocardiogram which showed some fluid around her lungs and heart and she was placed back on her diuretic (which she LOATHES to take). As I was speaking with her doctor, she mentioned possible future surgeries. Lord willing, she won't need those if her valves continue to function properly. Our prayer has been that they would grow and even become normal sized. That day Geneva's oxygen was at 90% and I was trying not to panic.

After being on the diuretic for a week, she lost about 7 oz or so but her oxygen was back up and at 97%. Thankfully her doctor is wonderful and I felt comfortable calling this week when I was concerned about her coughing a bit more and just being "off". So we went in yesterday and I am so thankful I did. It's a long drive. There and back is just under 6 hours and yesterday was my husband's 40th birthday, but it was worth the trip. I started crying tears of joy when I saw her oxygen level hit 100%!! This was the first time since she has been weaned off oxygen at the hospital that her sats were that high on her own, that I have witnessed! And, during the echo, Dr. Bremer showed me that the fluid is looking better AND her valves have grown some! They are still small and I realize it could change if her heart works too hard BUT I am going to hold on to this hope and encouraging news! Thank you Lord!

This has been a busy month as our entire family adjusts to a new baby and we make some modifications of how we normally would hold our little girl and are extra cautious around her wounds. If she peeps, she has many siblings running to tend to her every need. : ) Apparently nobody has explained to her yet that she has Turner's Syndrome and is supposed to be shorter because she keeps growing. : ) Again, I realize she could slow down later but she's adorable and a blessing no matter what. Also, she just rolled over from her back to her tummy today and didn't care for being on her tummy yet. It's so exciting to watch her discovering her fingers and images around her.

We meet with her neurologist next week for the first time and have another echocardiogram that day. We're praying for that fluid to go away, oxygen levels to stay up and valves to continue to grow and amaze everyone!

Thank you all so very much for your faithful prayers!

Today is Dabney's birthday (Geneva's big brother). He's my middle little man and six years old so I better get busy finishing up his cupcakes.

Many blessings to you all!

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