Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 14, 2009

We've decided to have the delivery and surgery at Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN. Although we loved the doctors and staff in Philadelphia, the location was not a good fit. They told us that they thought Vanderbilt would be a fine place to have the surgery. In addition to all of that, once they found out I might have some health issues of my own, I was told they were equipped to only deliver healthy mothers and I would have to deliver at another hospital in the area and have you transferred to their hospital. I've never been separated from my babies except for one time when I took a shower and Jay went to the nursery for just a short period of time. This isn't going to be easy for either one of us, but the Lord will see us through.

The hospital is very nice and we really liked the staff. We have to be there by June 20th and your delivery is scheduled for July 6th, if you make it that far along. We were told you were in the perfect ICU right now. God created this womb for your protections and Daddy is trying to help me stay off my feet so you can stay in there as long as possible. Your father is such a hard worker so I'm trying to work hard at home and work at plans for your care and where we might be able to stay. We received a call yesterday with permission to have the fundraiser at a church in town to try and raise some money to pay for our expenses. We don't know how many surgeries you will need or how long we will be in the hospital but we've been given some estimates.

Prayers needed: We would like to see Geneva's mitral valve and aortic valve enlarge. The pulmonary valve looks good. Although Geneva is over the 90% for size, those valves are in the 5% or less category. We would also like to see a correction of the coarctation of her aortic arch and for there to be NO MORE PROBLEMS, including no genetic disorders. Thank you all for your prayers!

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